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dc.contributor.advisorFonkoua, Paul-
dc.contributor.authorAboudi, Marguerite Sandrine-
dc.description.abstractEducation is a powerful lever for achieving sustainable development, and literacy is no exception, being an integral part of non-formal education. The inadequate production of data on this education sub-sector generally poses a real steering problem. The absence of a regional statistical yearbook on literacy and non-formal education in East Cameroon is not conducive to regional management of this sub-sector. The aim of this study was to improve actions to combat illiteracy through the regular production of literacy indicators in East Cameroon. Specifically, the study presented the structure of the literacy sub-sector, identified relevant literacy indicators and determined strategies to facilitate the production of literacy indicators. The data collected in the field by means of a questionnaire survey and a quantitative descriptive study enabled us to take stock of the literacy situation in East Cameroon. The sampling technique used was strata sampling, with a sample size of 32. Following the inventory, a number of relevant indicators were highlighted, including input indicators, process indicators and outcome indicators. In addition, strategies to facilitate data production and a data collection model were proposed, this in accordance with law n°2019/024 of 24 December 2019 on the general code for local authorities Chapter III, Section I, article271(b) which transfers numerous competences to the regions in terms of literacy, including the production of the literacy map. However, a more in-depth study at CAF level would provide other indicators that would also be of capital importance, and extending the study to other regions of the country would enable comparisons to be made and better adjustments to be made at regional and national levels.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectLiteracy indicatorsfr_FR
dc.subjectAdult educationfr_FR
dc.titleIndicateurs d’alphabétisation et lutte contre l’analphabétisme dans la région de l’Est-Cameroun dans un contexte de décentralisationfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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