Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12011
Titre: Difficultés de planification et capacité d’apprentissage des activités scolaires chez les enfants autistes sévères et profonds d’Eseda
Auteur(s): Gatbe, Leonard
Directeur(s): Igoui Mounang, Gilbert
Mots-clés: Planification and the learning capacity of school activities
Academic learning difficulties of pupils
Autistic pupils
Date de publication: 28-jui-2023
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: This study objective is to observe whether there is a relationship between planification and the learning capacity of school activities amongst high level autistics, this link, hawing already been shown in these children from previous studies. Comprises of trying out a study to see if high level autistics who face difficulties with planification also present learning difficulties. During our different fieldwork activities, we noticed that high-level autistic pupil had difficulties in the planification of school activities for example, they find it difficult to perform action that can help them attain their objectives, they underestimate the necessary limit to finish their tasks, they don’t plan on doing their assignments on time, don’t easily understand instruction. To collect our data ,we constituted two sample groups, with the first sample called the experimental group made up of 4 children aged between 8 and a half years that is 3 boys and girl and the second group is the control group, made of 8 children with any particular health problem, aged between 6-13 and a half years. This second group was made up of 6 boys, 2 girls with an average age of 9 years. To collect our data we first made use of a questionnaire were, for parents and answers subjective, furthermore, we used the NEPSY II test which is made up of many sub tests. For our work we made use of the wall clock and the categorization subtests. Our results show that the academic learning difficulties of pupils with high level autism has a direct relationship with their planning difficulties Wen though some play more significant role s than others. Our hypotheses suggest that the learning difficulties of high-level autistic pupils get better as they progress.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 115p.
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12011
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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