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dc.contributor.advisorNjengoue Ngamaleu-
dc.contributor.authorYoubara Belbara, Serge Bruno-
dc.description.abstractIn recent years the education system has undergone an evolution, firstly with the creation of special schools, secondly, we note the advent of integrated education and at present we are witnessing inclusive education, an education system in which all children should learn together regardless of their race, sociological or linguistic background, or disability. UNICEF, (2007) defines inclusive education as a transformative process that ensures full participation and access to quality learning opportunities for all children, youth and adults that respects and values diversity and eliminates all forms of discrimination in and through education. It is indeed an education system that promotes the creation of more just and democratic societies. However, by focusing our study on this notion of inclusive education, our research has enabled us to understand the rationale for this education system and the reality in Cameroon. Cameroon, concerned about the education of children with disabilities, proceeded in 2016 to transform seventy (70) public schools into inclusive public schools, including the pilot inclusive public school of Nkolndongo, which was the subject of our study. Thus, despite the transformation of some public schools into inclusive schools, the notion of inclusive education is still in its infancy and has a number of shortcomings. Access to inclusive schools for people with special educational needs is still not easy. The inaccessibility of people with special educational needs to quality education is identified as the problem of our study. During our fieldwork, this inaccessibility is justified by several factors. These include our socio-cultural beliefs and erroneous attitudes towards people with disabilities, the distance from inclusive schools, inadequate infrastructure, lack of teaching materials, lack of qualified teaching staff and lack of care and guidance services related to inclusive education. To remedy these problems, proposals have been made.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectInclusive educationfr_FR
dc.subjectChildren with special educational needsfr_FR
dc.subjectInadequacy of inclusive educationfr_FR
dc.titleL’intégration des enfants à besoins éducatifs particuliers à l’école publique pilote inclusive de Nkolndongo.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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