Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12022
Titre: Enseignement-apprentissage de l’histoire par les situations-problèmes et l’analyse des documents visuels : dispositifs de co-construction des représentations des apprenants en histoire (cas du lycée général Leclerc et du lycée technique de Bafia)
Auteur(s): Eleme Otabela, Diane
Directeur(s): Eloundou, Eugene
Amana, Evelyne
Mots-clés: Problem
Digital visual documents
Date de publication: jui-2023
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: This study focuses on the teaching-learning of history through problem situations and the analysis of visual documents : devices for the co-construction of the representations of learners in history. She is dedicated to studying mixed data, both quantitative and qualitative, of the teaching and learning practices of History in the 6th 3 classes at the Lycée General Leclerc and the 1st Year ESF at the Lycée Technique de Bafia by means of problem-situations and the analysis of visual documents. To better conduct our research, we deemed it appropriate to situate our study theme in a post-Covid 19 historical context and to build a theoretical framework for analysis that navigates between constructivism, socio-constructivism and the theory of Lenoir’s (2009) educational intervention. Which theories are supported by pedagogical models such as Develay's(1992) didactic transposition, the allosteric model and the ADDIE hybrid model of didactic engineering. In order to operationalize our research so as to make the results more relevant and more valid, we deemed it necessary to define a representative sample made up of 153 subjects surveyed. These respondents represent the accessible study population. With regard to the quantitative analysis of the data, we have built an analysis grid based on a case-control study made up of 30 pupils of 6th 3 at LGL and 30 pupils of 1st Year ESF and an experimental study which also includes 60 learners from these two respective establishments. The results from this analysis allowed us to validate the hypotheses because they demonstrated that the group of learners subjected to the experimental techno-pedagogical test called "digital image game", present more performance in terms of acquisition of new historical knowledge. compared to those in the control group. The statistical processing enabled us to establish correlations between the variables. Qualitative analysis was used upstream to complete the so-called quantitative information. After having carried out beforehand a data triangulation method as recommended by Creswell and Clark (2007), we arrived at the general results according to which, the professional, material and contextual difficulties do not facilitate this co-construction of the representations-knowledge of where the pooling of efforts is essential in terms of strengthening continuing education and systematic remediation.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 186p.
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12022
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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