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dc.contributor.advisorNdjonmbog, Joseph Roger-
dc.contributor.authorNguetsa Signing Idris Anderson, Idris Anderson-
dc.description.abstractThe literature on sex work is now abundant. Researchers, analysts and activists have addressed the theoretical dimensions of the issue, empirically documented the activities of the various forms of practice, looked at the components of the work that can affect the health of sex workers, criticized the various criminal policies that have been implemented and proposed solutions. But there is still very little research into the needs of sex workers, the services on offer and the services that could provide a comprehensive response to their needs. This situation is all the more paradoxical given that, at first glance, their needs appear to be considerable, especially where street sex workers are concerned. In 2021, an estimated 1.5 million people worldwide will be newly infected with HIV (UNAIDS, 2021). HIV prevention therefore remains a public health issue throughout the world and in Cameroon. Epidemiological data show that HIV is not just a physiological disease, but also a social one. It affects different populations unequally. In Cameroon, the people most affected by HIV are men who have sex with men, accounting for almost 44% of new infections in this population in 2017 (IBBS, 2016), followed by sex workers with a rate of 36.9%. This is the public health context in which our research project, entitled Modalities of socio-educational support and reduction of HIV/AIDS prevalence among female sex workers in Yaoundé, is being conducted. This subject arose from observation and analysis of the data, which provide ample evidence of the inflation of the HIV/AIDS prevalence rate among sex workers, while the prevalence of HIV/AIDS among the general population is falling. The aim of this research is to help reduce the prevalence of HIV/AIDS among sex workers by proposing new socio-educational support methods. The aim is to contribute to achieving the sustainable development goals on health and well-being.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectSocioeducational supportfr_FR
dc.subjectSex workersfr_FR
dc.titleModalités d’accompagnement socioéducatif et réduction de la prévalence du vih/sida chez les travailleuses de sexe de la ville de Yaoundé.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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