Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12065
Titre: Éducation entrepreneuriale et développement de l’auto-employabilité des élèves finissants de l’enseignement secondaire général : cas des terminales du lycée mixte d’Akonolinga.
Auteur(s): Owono, Jean Nicaise
Directeur(s): Mgbwa, Vandelin
Mots-clés: Entrepreneurial education
Project-based learning
Human capital
Date de publication: jui-2023
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: This research is entitled: "Entrepreneurial education and development of self-employability of students graduating from general secondary education: Case of the terminal classes of the Mixed High School of Akonolinga. Indeed, estimated at 84,36%, graduates of general secondary education are the most numerous and the most plagued by unemployment and underemployment. Failing to get a job in the public service which unfortunately recruits less and less, nearly 87% of said graduates are forced to retrain in the seasonality, precariousness and indecency of vulnerable jobs in the private sector. Paradoxically, most business leaders do not have a diploma. It is therefore necessary to question the usefulness, the very meaning of the school, and its ability to develop graduates. Neither the Guidance Counselor's specifications, which provide for a module on business creation, nor the skills-based approach, have succeeded in stemming the employment crisis. Moreover, the adequationist theory in support of which the training / employment paradigm has been highlighted has proven to be very limited because the upsurge of vocational training institutes has not stemmed the phenomenon. It therefore seems wise to think and propose a new paradigm such as entrepreneurial education. This model tends to equip learners with the abilities to self-employ and no longer be a beggar of the state economy or slave to third-party companies. Therefore, we have formulated the hypothesis that entrepreneurial education promotes the self-employability of students graduating from general secondary education. To show this, the qualitative method has been mobilized in its understanding paradigm. With the help of an interview guide, the data were collected from six students from the final classes of general secondary education, who received an entrepreneurial education. The objective of the study was to understand how the entrepreneurial education received by these students promoted their self-employability. At the end of the analysis of the data by the structural technique, it emerges that entrepreneurial education promotes the development of human capital, entrepreneurship and empowerment. It is about putting into practice models such as the project-based approach, the orientating approach, collaborative learning, which shape entrepreneurial skills and stimulate the self-employability of learners
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 178p.
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12065
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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