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dc.contributor.advisorTende, Renz-
dc.contributor.authorSenbassi, Antoinette felicité-
dc.description.abstractThis study, entitled "Coffee Crisis: Socio- Economic Impacts, and Development Strategies for the City of Nkongsamba," posits that food security serves as the primary impetus for agriculture broadly and coffee cultivation specifically. Historically, the coffee industry of Nkongsamba has been a principal economic driver over the past three decades. However, a crisis beginning in the late 1980s exposed the vulnerability of the coffee industry in this long-standing agricultural region. Indeed, the downturn in coffee production since the early 1990s has paralleled a broader economic decline, most visibly reflected in the exodus of farmers from a once profitable industry and a cautious reversion to more traditional agricultural activities. This trend has been exacerbated by the state's withdrawal from the agricultural sector, which has precipitated an increase in the cost of agricultural inputs and the closure of multiple coffee production and manufacturing facilities, thereby resulting in substantial layoffs. These revelations prompt a discussion about diversifying economic activities in Nkongsamba beyond agriculture. The central question explored in this dissertation is the extent to which the decline in coffee prices and the government's disengagement from the agricultural sector have impacted society and the economy of Nkongsamba. The aim of this research is to scrutinize the effects of the coffee crisis on Nkongsamba and to evaluate the efficacy of locally initiated actions in alleviating these issues, while contributing to the city's growth and development. Employing a hypothetical-deductive approach, we were able to utilize data and information gathered in the field. This methodology relies on interpreting the results from a five-month empirical study conducted in Nkongsamba. The study reveals that coffee production increased from 7890.22 metric tons to 19169.7 metric tons between 1970 and 1990, largely attributable to the robust support structure previously in place for farmers. Presently, Nkongsamba’s coffee production is limited to approximately 2,000 metric tons. Additionally, the cultivation of crops and market gardening has enabled major producers to rise above the poverty line and gradually phase out coffee production. In fact, various economic sectors allow for different actors to accumulate significant wealth. To illustrate, the average monthly income for moderate farmers is 158,000 FCFA, large farmers earn about 330,000 FCFA, while small farmers earn 78,000 FCFA. Yet, there is substantial work ahead due to factors limiting economic diversification. The city's economic growth has been impeded, prompting the implementation of strategies to rectify the situation. These proposed solutions include: providing small farmers with high-yielding plant varieties; offering at least a 50% subsidy to new entrants into agriculture; training engineers specializing in diverse agricultural sectors; developing effective strategies for managing agricultural waste products; and standardizing price per kilogram. The final step is to modernize the farming and livestock industries.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectCoffee market collapsefr_FR
dc.subjectSocioeconomic effectsfr_FR
dc.subjectEconomic growthfr_FR
dc.titleCrise caféière, impacts socio-économiques et stratégies de développement de la ville nkongsamba.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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