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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorDezombe, Paul-
dc.contributor.authorKono, Jean Yves-
dc.description.abstractThis study entitled “The illegal migrant in Poisson d’or by Jean Marie Gustave Le Clézio and Le Paradis du Nord by Jean Roger Essomba” focuses on two great literary figure contemporary whose insightful writings and thematic truthfulness require a certainly notoriety in the world literary. The works Poisson d’or and Le Paradis du Nord trace the migratory journey and the life of the protagonists in Europe. These immigration stories hide a lot of clichés and prejudices that are only revealed though in-depth study. Therefore, our study aims to be an investigation into the clandestine migrant under the label of illegal or undocumented. The objective of our research is to determine the constraints that push the clandestine migrant to settle outside his native land. In the same logic, it is a question of identifying and analyzing the living conditions of illegal migrants in the host country, to succeed in deciphering the ideology of the authors. Our subject raises the problem of poor living condition of clandestine characters. The hunt for illegal immigration and elective land creates inhumane living conditions which plunge them into emotional, physical and psychological decrepitude. Thus, the general problem of ours is to know what are the reasons which push the clandestine migrant of our corpus to move towards the west and what is their relationship with the host country? Our research postulate is that, the clandestine migrants in our corpus seek, at the risk of their lives, to survive in elective land despite the hostility and their unacceptance by the natives. To reach these conclusions, we were inspired by the eclectic method. In this logic, Claude Duchet sociocriticism allowed us to bring out the sociality and ideology of the authors. Phillippe Hamon’s semiology approach was also useful for examining the components of the story such as spare, time and the characterization of the characters. Ultimately, this study came to the conclusion that, the illegal immigrant of the contemporary world must no longer be taken as an intruder or a disruptor who comes to parasitize the well-being of the natives. But rather as a citizen of the word who must feel safe everywhere on earth in a context of mundialization and globalization.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectHost countryfr_FR
dc.titleLe migrant clandestin dans poisson d’or de Jean Marie Gustave le clézio et le paradis du nord de Jean Roger Essombafr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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