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dc.contributor.advisorEba’a, Germain Moïse-
dc.contributor.authorNgamama Tono, Honorine Gislaine-
dc.description.abstractStudying linguistics requires a great deal of attention to all its plans and mechanisms that govern and structure the relationships between the elements or sentences of the text. The analysis of a text thus requires taking into account the elements of construction of a set of sentences having for objective the interpretation of a text as well as the comprehension by the reader. Thus, the interpretability of a text depends on the relationship of its logics between the ideas that it confers certain intelligibility. For this reason, the present work entitled "The syntactic links of parataxis and hypotaxis in Vile Cruel of EZA BOTO", studies the grammar in its higher dimension, which has for objective a good syntactic, morphological, semantic and pragmatic organization. Indeed, this work takes into account the various marks, which have for reference the text, where the elements raise a study of which it is very difficult to apprehend the mode in the interphrastic framework. For this, our study is rooted in the grammar of text, which considers a good method of operation linked in the text. The syntactic links evoke a process of textual cohesion highlighted by connections based on relational marks that present syntactic limits. Hence the discursive, extra discursive and transphrastic functioning. This mode of functioning depends on the analysis of each of these facts, which leads us to believe that the understanding of a text requires the appropriation of the qualitative method (inductive), which will allow through hypotheses that the textualizing elements (syntax, parataxis and hypotaxis) are interpreted not only by the words, the sentences, but also by the way of arranging them, of combining them, and whose clarity rests on the cohesion of the discourse in the work of Mongo Béti (EZA BOTO, Ville cruelle). The present work has a triple challenge: a linguistic challenge that aims to examine the text in its entirety by determining its compositional and configurational aspects through its in-depth grammatical system, notably: syntax, semantics, stylistics and pragmatics. In addition, we have a pedagogical issue, which considers the sentence as a basic notion on textual analysis. Given that it allows the highlighting of the clarity, the readability, the comprehensibility, the intangibility of the text according to its organization; and an ideological stake which consists in understanding the communicative intention, which not only support the information integrated to the ones we already know, but also to develop all the parameters which gather the whole of the knowledge as well explicit as implicit that the transmitter and the receiver have.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectInterpretation of a textfr_FR
dc.subjectComprehension by the readerfr_FR
dc.subjectMongo Bétifr_FR
dc.titleLes liaisons syntaxiques de la parataxe et de l’hypotaxe dans ville cruelle d’Eza Botofr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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