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dc.contributor.advisorBissa Enama, Patricia-
dc.contributor.authorDeyenou Nzegang, Éric-
dc.description.abstractThe poetics of the city refers to an aesthetic representation of the city, which has become an obsession in the imagination of contemporary writers. It is the subject of deep reflection in contemporary literature. Writers imagine it in various forms. It is memories for the charaters and can also become a quest for identity and investigation. This city is anthropophagical and strange place that macerates its occupants. It is symbolic of the drift of the hunted man. This topos becomes a megalopolis which is characterized by excess consumption, by the overabundance of events generating non-places, these places of transit, and these temporary spaces which oppose identity, relational and historical places. The problem that emerges from this reflection is to know in what way the poetics of the city is deployed in the novels of the corpus. This problem focuses on the following issue: In what forms does the poetics of the city appear in the works, Moka by Tatiana de Rosnay, Delikatessen and Perdre le corps by Théo Ananissoh ? What are the ongoing changes that are influencing urban representations in novels? What imaginary constructions emerge from this scriptural heterogeneity? Our reflection will allow us to formulate the following research hypotheses: The poetics of the city unfolds in the texts studied. The excesses, overabundance, postmodernity of contemporary post-industrial societies largely influence urban representations in novels. The imaginary constructions that emerge from this scriptural heterogeneity in the authors are the urban descriptions, the idealistic representations and the irritated visions that these authors reveal in their stories. We propose in this research dissertation to demonstrate through a geocritical and postmodern study, the poetics of the city in all aesthetic forms and the aesthetic representations of the city that arise from the imagination of two authors in these respective works, namely: Moka by Tatiana de Rosnay, Delikatessen and Perdre le corps by Théo Ananissoh. The conclusions brought to research are bivalent, they are initially of epistemological order inherent in the art to write city, and moreover, they are of ideological order see idealist and make it possible to note an accusatory and irritated vision of the city.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectContemporary literaturefr_FR
dc.titleLa poétique de la ville dans quelques romans francophones : moka de Tatiana de Rosnay, delikatessen et perdre le corps de Théo Ananissohfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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