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dc.contributor.advisorMoussa II-
dc.contributor.authorEssaga, Minette Rose-
dc.description.abstractThis work entitled: “The Network of Active Women of CEMAC (REFAC) and the issue of socio-economic integration in Central Africa from 2006 to 2021 ˮ, aims to analyse the contribution of this women's association in the process of integration into the CEMAC sub-region. During 15 years of existence, REFAC has deployed on the ground through a number of activities to enable women in the sub-region to flourish and empower themselves. To carry out this research, it was necessary to use the REFAC archives in Cameroon and to resort to oral testimonies. Books on integration in Central Africa as well as scientific work were also consulted. The method of this work is based on a constructivist epistemological posture and an empiro-inductive approach. After analysis, it emerges that the REFAC, after noting the fragility of economic integration in the CEMAC zone, is resolutely committed to making its contribution to the effectiveness of this ambitious sub-regional project. To do this, the association has set up several inclusive activities. Over the entire study period, these activities enabled the populations of CEMAC member countries not only to acquire information on the merits of integration but also to challenge administrative institutions on the need to implement free trade in Central Africa. Although these REFAC actions have brought some energy to the effectiveness of the integration process in the CEMAC zone, their scope has remained mixed due to certain difficulties observed here and there.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectActive Women of CEMAC (REFAC)fr_FR
dc.subjectSocio-economic integrationfr_FR
dc.subjectCentral Africafr_FR
dc.titleL’intégration socio-économique en Afrique centrale : cas du REFAC (2006- 2021)fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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