Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12214
Titre: Les coalitions électorales des partis politiques de l’opposition camerounaise (1992-2004). Essai d’analyse historique à partir des expériences du SDF, UNDP et UPC.
Auteur(s): Owona Amougou, Franklin
Directeur(s): Essomba, Philippe Blaise
Mots-clés: Coalition
Date de publication: 28-jui-2024
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé 1
Résumé: The experience of official re-establishment of social and political pluralism engaged at the beginning of 1990 years heralded in the eyes of a frange of Cameroonian public opinion on one part and analysts of power matters on the other part a democratisation of political society of Cameroon. In this way, if enforcement of democratisation in the institutional plan, contributed to diminish actually the coercitive and legal framework with an authoritarian threshold remarkably reduced, putting the unic ex-party in an uncomfortable situation, the electoral coalitions of political parties of the opposition in search of power, and alternation did not succeed in the meeting of that target. Tree periods emanated from that study: The first that of coalition in search of power and political life in 1992, during that period, the opposition was the holder of all the cards in orther to overthrow the CP DM power, regarding the electoral obligations truly opposed; due to the grouping movements introduced by the opposition. As from 1997, the opposition did not have the same audience, it was why we called the coalitions of that period, the political survival ones, during the democratisation weakness that emanated generally from the opposition caused by the multiple incomprehension’s and the remonopolisation of political environment by the CPDM party, the new game master. That of 2004 was characterised by many hesitations of an opposition in search of legitimacy and mark, balizing once the way to the CPDM, the absolute new master. This situation, despite the relaxation and the demonopolisation of political space in 1992, contributed to weaken systematically the opposition that was characterised by disaffection and the popular lack of interest of political life. By the same occasion, it facilitated the strengthening of the clientelist and the regionalisation of the political life. Hoses were all what caused in the minds the thorny matter of political alternation in Cameroon.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 164
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12214
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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