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dc.contributor.advisorDze Ngwa, Willibroad-
dc.contributor.authorAboul Nyom, Ella Brigitte-
dc.description.abstractThe work carried out within the framework of this study is entitled: "The Japanese Agency for International Cooperation (JICA) and the development of the agricultural sector in Cameroon from 1992 to 2019: the case of Batouri and Ebolowa II councils". This study was structured around a central question which is that of knowing what is JICA and what is its contribution to the development of the rice sector in Cameroon? To better understand this question, we opted for the qualitative and quantitative method. This combined the data collected by field surveys among farmers, producers, direct observers and documentary research. The results obtained show that this is indeed an agricultural technology transfer between Cameroon and Japan through JICA. The Japan International Cooperation Agency promotes the development of rain-fed rice cultivation in the Batouri and Ebolowa II councils through technical cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It provides technical support to seed fields and producers in these municipalities, it sets up rice seed fields, distributes quality seeds to producers. In addition to this, it trains and monitors producers during the agricultural seasons. It also participates in the training of Cameroon experts in agricultural extension, agronomy and agricultural mechanics. Build storage warehouses and donate farm equipment to producers. All these activities despite the difficulties encountered have contributed to the development of the rice sector in Cameroon and particularly in the Batouri and Ebolowa II councils. However, the process of introduction and development of the rice sector in these councils by JICA presents both positive and negative results, but its sustainable development depends on Cameroonians themselves.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectDéveloppement du secteur agricolefr_FR
dc.subjectAgence Japonaise de Coopération Internationalefr_FR
dc.subjectCommunes de Batouri et Ebolowa IIfr_FR
dc.subjectDéveloppement du secteur rizicolefr_FR
dc.titleL’agence japonaise de coopération internationale (JICA) et le développement du secteur agricole au Cameroun de 1992 à 2019 : Cas de la riziculture dans les communes de Batouri et Ebolowa IIfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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