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Titre: Encadrement pédagogique des facilitateurs d’adultes et efficacité interne des programmes d’alphabétisation dans le Noun : Cas des CAF de Foumban.
Auteur(s): Ghagne, Alassa
Directeur(s): Njengoué Ngamaleu, Henri Rodrigue
Mots-clés: Alphabétisation
Supervision andragogique
Efficacité interne.
Date de publication: 18-sep-2024
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: In education, internal efficacy according to Tiendrebéogo (2008) describes the relation between pedagogic results obtained and objectives formulated in terms of learning needs. Especially in adult literacy programs, it is characterized by promotion, years repetitions, resignation and cognitive acquisitions translated in terms of observables behaviours from adults’ learners. Several studies have been made in order to ameliorate adults’ literacy service and try to explain internal efficacy in adult literacy by professional factors such as professionalization of animators, training and assistance pedagogic. According to Houéha (2020) professionalization aims to create professional career profile for adults animators in public service. Assistance pedagogic is related to pedagogic supervision. According to Guillemet (2007) and Chevrier (2006), it is about training that personal development should be increased. In fact the facilitators of literacy centres are the main actors in the implementation of literacy programs. They must not only be trained but also renewed regularly their knowledge’s training (United Nations of Education, Science and Culture Organization [UNESCO], 2012). Seen the persistence of adults illiteracy in Noun Division in general and Foumba n locality in particular the object of our study is to analyse the effects of the non- andragogic assistance to adults facilitators on literacy programs efficacy. As the facilitators of the literacy centres are the main actors in the implementation of literacy programs, it is therefore essential to think or rethinking to their training program and supervision. This is qualitative research in which 10 actors of literacy program have been subject of a semi-directive interviews: 02 local pedagogic supervisors, then 03 alphabetizers and 05 adults’ learners all from center “LA BIENVEILLANCE”. Each of three groups of participants has his own question guide. The results of our research are related to our objectives. The participants in their majority (08/10) said that the alphabetizers (the primary teachers in general) are not only receiving recycle and continuous training but are not followed-up regularly. Then, despite that learners are irregular in the program (06/10) there are relative satisfaction (05/10) because adult literacy program putting in place in this center is simple personal educational project with non-precised defined objectives: the local actors are expecting from the Ministry, national syllabus in adults literacy program containing knowledge and objectives elaborated. Finally, the non-pedagogic assistance negatively influences internal efficacy of literacy programs. In Foumban, not only that the adults are very irregulars in program and in the centers, but there are not satisfy from the program because of teaching and learning primary process transferred to them. From those results, we can confirm the direct relationship between non andragogic assistance to facilitators and adults results in literacy process. We suggested to local basic education ministry responsibles to take in consideration this aspect.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 157
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12219
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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