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dc.contributor.advisorDiye, Jérémie-
dc.contributor.authorZaza, Martin-
dc.description.abstractThis study entitled "Land Disputes in Mount Mandara, Cameroon, from 1963 to 2014: the Case of the Podoko People", sets out to analyse and identify the foundations and issues surrounding land disputes among the Podoko people in Far North, Cameroon. It also aims to highlight the various factors that explain land disputes and their typology. To achieve these objectives, the study relied on a variety of sources, including written, oral, iconographic and digital sources. This study has adopted an explanatory, qualitative, analytical, diachronic and synchronic method. The methodological approach enabled us to arrive at the result according to which the demographic explosion, the absence of land registration and the non-conformity of land laws have led to land disputes in Mount Mandara in general, and among the Podoko in particular. Therefore, the descent of the population onto the plains since 1963 has given rise to land ownership problems between the Podoko populations on the one hand, and on the other hand, between the Podoko and neighbouring peoples such as the Mandara, the Fula and the Kanouri. For the Podoko, the issue at stake in these disputes was to preserve their ancestors' land whereas, for the Muslim-Fula communities, their objective was to expand their area of control and finally gain control over the neighbouring populations.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectVivre- ensemble.fr_FR
dc.subjectCohabitation socialefr_FR
dc.subjectLitige foncierfr_FR
dc.subjectMont Mandarafr_FR
dc.titleLes litiges fonciers dans les monts- Mandara Cameroun de 1963 à 2014 : le Cas du peuple Podokofr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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