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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorToua, Léonie-
dc.contributor.authorZembel Netekreo-
dc.description.abstractCommunicating in various situations has become the central objective to which the different components of French contribute today. In doing so, the study of literary texts seems to align with the paradigm of communicative competence in the French program in the Chadian context. This observation led us to formulate the following research topic: "Study of literary texts and development of communicative skills among 2nd year learners at Abdramane Dadi high school (CHAD)". Indeed, learners in the 2nd year class at Abdramane Dadi high school have difficulty communicating in French: which complicates both the teaching function and the learning process. This topic therefore raises the problem of the lack of communicative skills among learners. Therefore, we ask ourselves the following question: how does the study of literary texts contribute to the development of communicative skills among learners? To address this issue, a qualitative approach was considered and semi- directed interviews and direct observations of teaching practices were carried out to verify the general hypothesis that the study of literary texts contributes to the development of communicative skills in learners through its different components. At the end of the analysis of the results, it emerges that linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge in the study of literary texts contributes to the development of communicative skills. Furthermore, interactions during the course and the realization of collective co-construction activities, in particular presentations, reading circles, role plays facilitate the appropriation of the language and literary effects. However, a weak deployment of extralinguistic knowledge is observed during interactions in classroom practices. In view of these results, the work ends with a proposal for a teaching sheet that can help teachers to better conduct the study of a literary text.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectDidactique du françaisfr_FR
dc.subjectTexte littérairefr_FR
dc.subjectDidactique du français, Texte littérairefr_FR
dc.titleÉtude des textes littéraires et développement des compétences communicatives chez les apprenants de 2nde du lycée Abdramane Dadi (Tchad).fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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