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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorMgbwa, Vandelin-
dc.contributor.authorMekong Zeh, Deraine Ornella-
dc.description.abstractThis thesis starts from the observation that the performance of multigrade classes in rural areas is irregular and unsatisfactory although these atypical schools are subject to the same standards as all other school configurations, which transforms multigrade classes into areas of uncertainty both for learners, teachers and for parents who believe that it is a cheap education. The results of these schools are always positioned at the bottom of the school system. The school map data analysis report (2017) attests to this. Indeed, the said report shows that the difficulties are mainly due to training problems and the management choice made by teachers within these classes. The management of a multigrade class by the teacher must be done in a global, if not strategic, manner in order to consider all the different strata that make up the class group as well as their different singularities. To achieve such a project, the teacher of a multigrade class must not only take into account one type of determining factors but also possess all-factor efficiency capabilities. The research is part of a descriptive paradigm. Because, it aims to describe the phenomenon of multigrade classes and the effectiveness of the school system in rural areas through an ethological observation which makes it possible to describe the behavior of local actors in relation to the problem. It was carried out on a sample of 84 participants made up of 60% women and 40% men, teachers from multi-grade schools in the Sangmélima district. The data collected was processed by means of testing the hypotheses using the chi-square statistical tool, the results of which are as follows: HR1:X²cal=40.42>X²lu=9.49 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted then the relationship between the two variables is significative. HR2:, 49 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted then the relationship between the two variables is significative. The results show that teacher motivation, management style and choice of teaching strategies are key factors to take into account in the management of multigrade classes in rural areas. It is therefore essential to take this into account; it is not a question of instituting a universal formula supposed to apply to all schools in rural areas and by all third parties but of setting up optimum management which will be able to respond to the needs of these schools despite their implementation environmentfr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectMultigrade classfr_FR
dc.subjectEfficiency of the school systemfr_FR
dc.subjectRural areafr_FR
dc.titleGestion des classes multigrades et efficacité du système scolaire en zone ruralefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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