Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12293
Titre: Accompagnement socio-éducatif et réduction du taux d'insécurité alimentaire chez les populations déplacées victimes des conflits armés dans l’arrondissement de Mora : Cas des sites d’Aldje, Igawa et Bia.
Auteur(s): Yana Mevo, Pierre
Directeur(s): Igoui Mounang, Gilbert
Mots-clés: Accompagnement socio-éducatif
Insécurité alimentaire
Population déplacée
Date de publication: 2024
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: The theme of this research is “Socio-educational support and reduction of the rate of food insecurity among displaced populations victims of armed conflicts in the Mora District: case of the Aldje, Igawa and Bia sites”. As part of this work, the aim is to study the impact of socio- educational support on reducing the rate of food insecurity. Indeed, armed conflicts in the Far North regions of Cameroon have led to the displacement of thousands of people from surrounding towns. These movements have had a direct consequence on their food and nutritional security. This quickly led to the depletion of food stocks and increased their vulnerability. Hence the problem of lack of food taming. Faced with this problem, the research question is as follows: How does socio-educational support facilitate the reduction of the rate of food insecurity among displaced populations victims of armed conflicts in the District of Mora/sites of Aldje, Igawa, and Bia? Answering this question allows us to formulate the following general hypothesis: assistance with sufficient, healthy, nutritious food and learning about sustainable and resilient food production facilitates the reduction of the rate of food insecurity among displaced populations victims of armed conflicts in the Mora District/Aldje sites, Igawa, and Bia. Then we brought out the specific hypotheses: SH1: Food, material and financial support facilitates the reduction of the rate of food insecurity of displaced populations victims of armed conflicts in the Mora District in general and in the sites of Aldje, Igawa , AndBia in particular. SH2: Analysis of the needs and expectations of displaced populations facilitates the reduction of the rate of food insecurity among them in the Mora District in general and in the sites of Aldje, Igawa, and Bia in particular. SH3: The acquisition of knowledge, know-how, interpersonal skills and ability to evolve facilitates the reduction of the rate of food insecurity among displaced populations victims of armed conflicts in the Mora District in general and in the sites of Aldje, Igawa, and Bia in particular. We chose the quantitative method and used the questionnaire to collect data from 262 displaced households and analyzed by SPSS software. All our hypotheses are validated and allow us to see that socio-educational support has an impact on reducing the rate of food insecurity among displaced populations victims of armed conflicts in the District of Mora/sites of Aldje, Igawa and Bia.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 174
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12293
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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