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dc.contributor.advisorNgono Ossango, Pangrace-
dc.contributor.authorAmana, Gwladys Larissa-
dc.description.abstractThis study is entitled: process of assimilation and acquisition of class groupings in 8-9 year old children. It is located in the axis of child’s cognitive development, and aims to evaluate the construction of class groupings, in relation to the types of assimilation. To achieve this, specialiazed literature has been created around the central themes of the study. Part of this perpective, it is illuminated by Piaget’s theory of assimilation (1936), as well as that of acquisition of number (1941). This led us to raise the problem of difficulties in acquiring class groupings, beyond the normal age as formulated by Piaget (around 6-7 years), among children aged 8-9. This study was carried out among 142 Cameroonian children from the city of Yaoundé, district of Yaoundé 3, aged 8-9 years old, of the both sexes and enrolled in primary school. The data were collected using the Servat test (2009), after two learning units taught by practicing reproductive, generalizing and recognitive assimilation. The data were processes using SPSS software, with the Z-test and analysis of variance as statistical tools. After processing the data, it emerges that the effects associated with reproductive assimilation facilitate the acquisition of class groupings in children aged 8-9 (z-test = 6.818; df = 44; significance threshold = 0.000; accepted significance threshold = 0.05); the effects associated with generalizing assimilation facilitates the acquisition of class groupings in 8-9 years old children (z-test = 5.317; df = 60; significance threshold = 0.000; accepted significance threshold = 0.05); the effects associated with cognitive assimilation facilitate the acquisition of class groupings in 8-9 year old children (z-test = 4.955; df = 32; significance threshold = 0.000; accepted significance threshold = 0.05). Therefore, the more the tutor has the ability to implement assimilation, the easier the acquisition of class groupings becomes.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectEnfant de 8-9 ansfr_FR
dc.subjectGroupement de classefr_FR
dc.titleProcessus d’assimilation et acquisition des groupements de classes chez les enfants de 8-9 ansfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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