Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12298
Titre: Orientation et insertion professionnelle des jeunes au Tchad : Cas de la ville de Pala.
Auteur(s): Hinsoube, Yolande
Directeur(s): Mezo’o, Gaston-Lebeau
Mots-clés: Orientation professionnelle
Insertion professionnelle
Orientation- Conseil
Date de publication: 5-jui-2024
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: The research we conducted is focused on “Career guidance and professional integration of young people in Chad: Case of the city of Pala”. It aims to solve the problem of follow-up of young people as factors of unemployment in the process of their academic and professional integration. Therefore, two theories have been mobilized in the context of this study. The theory of causal attribution of Heider, (1958) and the social cognitive theory of educational and professional orientation (SCTEPO) of (Lent, Brown & Hacett, 1994), notably the model of professional choice. To carry out this research, the following central question guided our thinking: does orientation determine a professional integration of young people in Chad? The anticipated response that follows from this question constitutes our general hypothesis (GH) which is stated as follows GH: Orientation determines the professional integration of young people in Chad. Operationalizing this general assumption, we formulated four research hypotheses (RH): RH1: information on study courses and their career opportunities determines the professional integration of young people in Chad. RH2: information on promising sectors determines the professional integration of young people in Chad. RH3: the professional project determines professional integration of young people in Chad- RH4: the knowledge of the sectors of activity determines the professional integration of young people in Chad. To test these hypotheses, we administered a questionnaire to a sample of 109 subjects (people) in the City of Pala in Chad- The Khi-deux test made it possible to test these hypotheses- The results obtained validate RH1, RH2 RH3 at a significance rate of a = 0.05 with high contingency coefficients, i.e. respectively: C= 0.40 for RH1, C= 0.46 for RH2, C= 0.45 for RH3 and the fourth Hypothesis been overruled. Finally, the general hypothesis of this research was validated. We can therefore conclude that orientation determines the professional integration of young people in Chad. We ended by making some suggestions to the place of young people, parents, advisers, to the Ministry of Vocational Training and Trades in Chad.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 146
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12298
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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