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dc.contributor.advisorTabi Manga, François Guillaum-
dc.contributor.authorMvilongo Efouba, Emeran Julien-
dc.description.abstractThis work focuses on the use of the prepositions “à” and “de” in the copies of 6th and 5th grade students from Zamengoé high school. Grammatical approach. It shows how the said students commit confusions by using the prepositions “to” and “from” in their papers. By borrowing the notion of preposition from the grammatical conceptual network, he examines how this seemingly simple notion created enormous usage confusion among learners at the syntactic and semantic levels. Starting from the notorious postulate of traditional grammars which presents the preposition as being an empty grammatical category at the functional level, it is important that it can be considered by other linguists as "a vector of meaning", a part of speech which influences on the function of the words that follow and precede it. Which leads us to raise the problem of misuse of the prepositions “à” and “de” in the papers of 6th and 5th grade students from Zamengoé high school. As a problem, we wonder what are the causes linked to the confusions observed among students. Also, what types of confusions do we find in students’ papers? So, can we have solutions to resolve these confusions? In this way, it poses the hypothesis of school textbooks. In other words, it appears that the school textbooks in the program do not sufficiently address the concept of preposition and are at the origin of the non-normative use of the prepositions “à” and “de” by students. As another hypothesis, it must be emphasized that the notion of preposition would be very complex and elusive in its syntactic contribution/support relationships and their polysemy would create comprehension problems among students. To elucidate that the notion of preposition is not essentially an empty part of speech, it is important to show that it is a vector of meaning, insofar as it favors the expression of the circumstances of time, place, means, purpose and manner according to its nature and context of use. This reflection opts for the dependency grammar of L. Tesnière as a theoretical framework, adopting analytical and descriptive approaches under the model of the analysis and description of confusions linked to the use of the prepositions "à" and "de" in copies students ; hence the structuring of the work in two parts. The first articulation is essentially a conceptual study of the preposition (theoretical), includes two chapters and the other part relating substantially to the analysis of observables and didactic proposition.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectGrammaire de dépendancefr_FR
dc.subjectConfusions syntactico-sémantiquesfr_FR
dc.titleAnalyse des confusions syntatico-sémantiques des prépositions <<á˃˃ et option <<de˃˃ chez les élèves de 6ème et 5ème du lycée de Zamengoéfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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