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dc.contributor.advisorFozing, Innocent-
dc.contributor.authorFouelefack, Fabrice Robertin-
dc.description.abstractThe Information System is a key element of any organization that wants to be efficient. The search for permanent customer satisfaction, associated with institutional requirements and the technological revolution, forces organizations to modernize their information systems. It is with this in mind that the academic monitoring information system for students of the National Institute of Youth and Sports (NIYS) was analyzed. Indeed, observations made on this Informational System reveal the existence of data collection tools as well as the use of the IT tool although the appropriate applications are non-existent. Furthermore, the relevant information is placed in several places, characteristic of the non-existence of real databases. Hence the problem of the relevance of this information system in this digital era. Faced with this problem, the question of how the information system necessary for the production of information allowing better monitoring of INJS students academically is constructed arises. To answer this question, we conducted qualitative research using the non-probability sampling technique consisting of six resource people. Thematic content analysis was used to produce the results of the data from the interviews. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the resources used in this monitoring consist essentially of physical documents. The procedures used in the production of information are mostly manual and involve several actors who work collaboratively and above all respect the hierarchical chain. The results relating to the quality of the information system in place reveal that the quality of the information produced is between not very relevant and very relevant while the quality of the dissemination tools is between very not relevant and quite relevant. On the other hand, the quality of information storage tools is between irrelevant and barely relevant. From these results, the suggestions made contribute to the strengthening of the material resources used in the production of information on the one hand and the automation of certain procedures on the other hand. Finally, it is a question of truly integrating the academic monitoring information system into the overall IS of the INJS and by proceeding in an imperative manner with the digitization of the tool as well as the automation of certain academic activities.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectInformation systemfr_FR
dc.subjectAcademic monitoringfr_FR
dc.titleAnalyse du système d’information pour le suivi académique des étudiants à l’institut national de la jeunesse et des sports (INJS) de Yaoundéfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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