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dc.contributor.advisorNdjonmbog, Joseph Roger-
dc.contributor.authorKoularambaye, Joseph-
dc.description.abstractThe theme of this research is “nomadic education and performance of primary school students in the commune of Mongo (central Chad). The case of the structuring support program for pastoral development (PASTOR)”. As part of this work, it is a question of measuring the quality and access to education in nomadic environments, of identifying the problems which hinder the proper functioning of nomadic schools but above all of evaluating the actions of the PASTOR project in improving nomadic education. Because educational leaders minimized and took lightly into account the education of nomadic communities due to their mobility and vulnerability and this situation caused the educational and economic delay of the latter in the intellectual sphere and in decision-making bodies until the design of PASTOR in 2018. Indeed, to carry out this study, we mobilized several theoretical orientations like the theory of academic success of Pasquier (1992), Assogba (1984) as well as the theory of change of the educational component, UNICEF (2017). These theoretical orientations reveal and explain the different aspects of the actions carried out by the project linked to the quality and access of education in nomadic environments. Thus, the objective of this research aims to evaluate whether PASTOR's actions improve the performance of primary cycle students in the commune of Mongo initially and to propose palpable solutions to the problems that hinder the proper functioning of nomadic schools due to endless political-military unrest in a second phase. So, from this general objective, an initial hypothesis emerges: PASTOR improves nomadic education and the performance of primary school students in the commune of Mongo. And, from a methodological point of view, we opted for the qualitative method and this method was conducted using a semi-directive interview with nomadic teachers and students from Mongo. At the end of this analysis, the results obtained demonstrated that agropastoral activities do not always promote the schooling of students and the latter are unaware of the use of objectives in the learning process. This is why it is especially important to initiate awareness raising in order to make nomads understand the importance of school. And according to the same results, socio-economic, cultural and political factors also influence the schooling of nomadic children. In short, from these results, we confirm that PASTOR's actions have a significant impact in improving the quality and access to education in nomadic environments. All these aspects constitute a major obstacle to the education of these children, so the state and other partners working in this direction must pay particular attention to them.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.titleÉducation nomade et performance des élèves du cycle primaire dans la commune de mongo/centre du Tchad. Le cas du programme d’appui structurant du développement pastoral (pastor)fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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