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dc.contributor.advisorNnomenko’o, Eric-
dc.contributor.authorDamboura Bisso, Arielle-
dc.description.abstractFor better inclusive and resilient developement of a city, the effectiveness of the implementation of a city urban planning docments is a mayor imperative, such is the primary concern of this work. Indeed, the present study, whose theme is an evaluation of the effective and efficient implementation of urban planning documents in the Ebolowa 1 Municipality, aims to examine the implementation of the landuse plans and the Communal Development Plan of the said Commune. It is concretely a matter of taking stock of the implementation of urban planning documents in Ebolowa 1 Municipality. Identifying the gaps between the standard, the regulations in force and the pratices of actors. And show the motivations, Strategies of actors and the effectiveness of the implementation of urban planning documents in Ebolowa 1 municipality. This work is based on qualitative and quantitative research the data that we collected and processed using various tools through a comprehensive approach. All things considered, the results obtained schow insufficiencies in the implementation of urban planning documents in Ebolowa 1 Municipality, for several reasons including the overlap of responsibilities between Ebolowa city communal and Ebolowa communal. The difficulties encountered with issueing land title of which 24.8% of owners have a land title and 75.2% do not. The lack of coordination in land management, a lack of mean governance characterized by the imprecision of the roles of the actors. The difficulties of collaboration between the actors, and poor governance in the application of the texts. Development projects as well as the scarcity of financial means in the sense that 12.10% roads are developed, 86.60% of roads are undereloped, 1.30% of developed and unpaved roads reflect poor condition of the streets in the different neighborhoods in Ebolowa 1 Municipality. For this , we have suggested possible solutions such as the establishment of a single window as in the Douala city council allowing the facilitation and reduction of procedures for acquiring administrative town planning acts. The effectiveness of the skills transferred to the Decentralized Territorial Councils as the financial level guaranteeing a certain autonomy guarantee of an efficient way of carrying out projects and programs. Raising awareness among populations about the risks linked to installations in non-aedificandi area and the activities carried out in theses sites. The putting into practice of existing urban planning documents. Good synergy and pooling of the actions of planning and urban development institutions, calling on public authorities for effective and efficient application of urban planning documents in Ebolowa 1 Municipality.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectUrban planningfr_FR
dc.subjectUrban planning documentsfr_FR
dc.subjectCommunadevelopment plan and non-aedificandi zones.fr_FR
dc.subjectLand Use Planfr_FR
dc.titleÉvaluation de la mise en pratique effective et efficiente des documents de planification urbaine dans la commune d’arrondissement d’Ebolowa 1erfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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