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dc.contributor.advisorBelibi, Alexi-Bienvenu-
dc.contributor.authorMbairamadji Nendodoum, Christian-
dc.description.abstractThe research we conducted is entitled: "Evaluation of the technical education program in Chad and the quality of its performance. Case of the N'djamena industrial technical high school; by the FAD project". To conduct this study, we mobilized several theoretical orientations such as Goldratt's constraint theory (1984), Locke's goal-setting theory (1968) and Gary Becker's human capital theory (1993). These theoretical orientations reveal and explain the different aspects of the actions carried out by the project related to the quality of performance of learners at the N'djamena industrial technical high school. To carry out this investigation, the following central question guided our thinking : does the FAD project determine the quality of performance at the N'djamena industrial technical high school? To verify this hypothesis, we adopted the mixed approach. The qualitative method was conducted using a semi-directed interview with the principal of the N'djamena industrial technical high school, the FAD project team and two teachers of the said high school. The quantitative survey was conducted using a questionnaire submitted to a random sample of 120 students from different levels of the N'djamena industrial technical high school. Following this analysis, the results allowed us to conclude that the FAD project meets the performance criteria and that its implementation had significant effects on the quality of performance of learners at the N'djamena industrial technical high school. H.G: the FAD project significantly determines the quality of performance of the N'djamena industrial technical high school The operationalization of this general hypothesis made it possible to obtain four research hypotheses formulated as follows: HR1 : teaching programs influence the level of qualification of learners at the N'djamena industrial technical high school. HR2 : Teachers' qualifications influence the level of qualification of learners at the N'Djamena industrial technical high school. HR3 : Training infrastructure influences the level of qualification of learners at the N'Djamena industrial technical high school. HR4 : The training monitoring system influences the level of qualification of learners at the N'Djamena industrial technical high school. Ultimately, the general hypothesis of this research was validated. We can therefore conclude that the FAD project significantly determines the quality of performance in the N'Djamena industrial technical high school.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectProgramme de l’enseignementfr_FR
dc.subjectL’enseignement technique industrielfr_FR
dc.subjectLa qualitéfr_FR
dc.subjectLe rendementfr_FR
dc.subjectLa qualité du rendementfr_FR
dc.subjectManagement de l’éducationfr_FR
dc.titleÉvaluation du programme de l’enseignement technique au Tchad et la qualité de son rendement : le cas du Lycée technique industriel de N’djaména par le projet FADfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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