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dc.contributor.advisorNga Ndongo, Valentin-
dc.contributor.advisorMebenga Tamba, Luc-
dc.contributor.authorAbanda Essama, Joseph-
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research is to come up with food for thought on the socio- anthropological theme whose title is ‘’Traditional values and their fertility vis-a-vis social crisis: a case study of the Mvog-Tsung-Mballa broad family among the Ewondo people from the Akono division located in central Cameroon’’. The issue under scrutiny is that of the loss of primary ethical values of living together in accordance with the habits and customs of traditional culture. This hypothesis is therefore focused on objectified facts which are related to factors regarding politics, economy, arts which reveal a malfunction at the action level of social actors from the part of the Mvog-Tsung-Mballa people. In such a context of crisis, questioning is developed under the operational or methodological auspices of social sciences such as Father Cardijin’s seeing, judging ,acting as he lays emphasis on the sociological survey through interviews or discussions with actors or Harold Garfinkel’s ethno methodology which is empowered by the support of Georges Balandier’s dynamist approach. This research thus sets out to renew the questioning parameter of cultural substrata of the geo- ethnic cosmogony of the Mvog-Tsung-Mballa family in a critical interaction for oral and sociality symbols. Through this research, it is also uppermost to understand the significant place of referents such as the epics of Angon Mana and Abomo Nguele which showcase the ins outs of the Beti initiation; also regarded as the formation process of social responsibility. This confrontation makes use of So rituals to highlight values such as work, hospitality, courage, solidarity as it poses the equation of traditional values’ fertility. Such values are of paramount importance as they help to meet the challenges of the shortcomings which have been a stumbling block so far. Future prospects are based on the revitalization of the Beti’s identity while embracing the values of modernity in the logic of actual authenticityfr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectCrise socialefr_FR
dc.subjectMvog- Tsung-Mballafr_FR
dc.titleLes valeurs traditionnelles et leur fécondité face à la crise sociale : le cas Mvog-Tsung-Mballa chez les Ewondo d’Akono au Cameroun Centralfr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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