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dc.contributor.advisorAbena Etoundi, Mathieu Jérémie-
dc.contributor.authorAbang Mbarga, Nicolas Laurel-
dc.description.abstractThis study shows the various development plans for the electricity subsector that were put place in Cameroon between 1960 and 2019. To this end, several energy plans, namely: PEN, PDER, PANERP, PDTE and PDSE were implemented. Under five-year plans, the electricity subsector was also taken into account. In terms of achievements, the five-year plans have had satisfactory results. Thus, were built among others, the Song-Loulou, Lagdo, Bamendjin, Mapé, and Mbakaou dams. The Edéa power station, built before 1960 was also extended and strengthened. With regard to PEN, PDER, PANERP, PDTE and PDSE, the results were less satisfactory. Many projects were not carried out in the field. In addition to the construction of the Kribi and Douala gas power stations and late construction of the Memvele, Lom-Pangar and Mekin dams, meant the PDTE and PDSE, PANERP and PDER were not very successful. The work carried out at the end of these two plans was less than 50% overall. In addition, no PEN project were implemented. To achieve this research work, we made use of historical methods, namely: the collection and processing of the information collected. Thus, we have exploited various sources including written sources, archives, oral sources, digital sources and iconographic sources. After analysis based on the diachronic approach method, it appears that energy planning in Cameroon has had mixed results, since all the projects scheduled between 1960 and 2019 were not carried out, however, the level of achievements made, enabled the industrial sector to take off, for the country economic growth and for Cameroonians to substantially improve their social living conditions. But for, sustainable socio-economic development in Cameroon, more rigorous energy planning is needed.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectPlanification énergétique au Camerounfr_FR
dc.subjectPlans de développement du sous-secteur de l'électricitéfr_FR
dc.titleLa planification énergétique au Cameroun : Cas du sous-secteur de L’électricité (1960-2019)fr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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