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dc.contributor.advisorMezo’o, Gaston-Lebeau-
dc.contributor.authorBadikne, Richard-
dc.description.abstractThe research we conducted has the title: “PRACTICE OF SCHOOL ORIENTATION AND SOCIO-PROFESSIONAL INTEGRATION OF GRADUATES”: Case of Tupuri students in Yaoundé. It aims to resolve the problem of the difficulty of socio-professional integration of graduates. Two theories were used in the present study, namely: the social cognitive theory of educational and professional orientation (TSCOSP) by Lent, Brown & Hackett (1994) and the causal attribution theory Fritz Heider (1958). To carry out this study, the central question that guided the reflection was formulated as follows: Does the practice of academic guidance determine the socio-professional integration of pupils and students? The answer to this question constituted our general hypothesis (HG) stated as following: the practice of academic guidance determines the socio-professional integration of graduates. The operationalization of this hypothesis made it possible to obtain the followin two (2) research hypotheses: HR1: The completion of prescribed training activities determines the socio-professional integration of graduates. HR2: The provision of prescribed adapted services determines the socio-professional integration of graduates. To test these hypotheses, a questionnaire was administrated to a sample of 161 subjects made-up of Tupuri pupils and students. The chi-square test was used to test these hypotheses. The results obtained validate and confirm HR1 and HR2 at the significance threshold ɑ=0.05 with average contingency coefficients, respectively: C = 0.49 for HR1, C = 0.55 for HR2. In the end, HG was validated. In view of these results, we can therefore conclude that the practice of academic guidance determines the socio-professional integration of graduates. Given these results, guidance counselors, parents, graduates, in a word, the entire educational community are called upon to place particular emphasis on the need to initiate research into employment of graduates, the development and realistic professional project adapted to the needs of the market. Guidance and counseling practitioners can play a central role in this support.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectPratique de l’orientation scolairefr_FR
dc.subjectOrientation scolairefr_FR
dc.subjectInsertion socioprofessionnellefr_FR
dc.titlePratique de l’orientation scolaire et insertion socioprofessionnelle des diplômés. Cas des étudiants Tupuri à Yaoundéfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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