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dc.contributor.advisorBelibi, Alexi-Bienvenu-
dc.contributor.authorEssomba Mekongo, Vanessa Marcelle-
dc.description.abstractOur study targets to design and evaluate the ICT dispositive for the development of oral competence in English language in form 4 in francophone sub-system of education. This general objective derives from the principal hypothesis that: The ICT for the oral competency development in English language to form4 students, in the case sub-system of education that the teaser video and the course video help the learner in words pronunciation and enrich her vocabulary. Through the gateways that present the course of English language to operationalize our principal hypothesis with the followings secondary hypothesis: (HS1) the teaser video foster or promote the pronunciation of form 4 students. (HS2) sub-system of education the course video in teaching / learning of English enrich the vocabulary of form 4 students. Because this type of video in an animated dialogue a collection or set of new term or word to use in the future exchange of the learners. For this study, we have supported the engineering didactics method of Michel ARTIGUE and the experimental method. The results of evaluations to the pre-test in the group of witnesses and in the experimental group and theirs analyses by the Student Test, show in one side that in the first experiment in the experimental group, we notice a difference between the pre-test scores and the post-test scores. First of all, the second experiment in the experimental group, we notice a difference between the pre-test scores and the post-test scores. At the end of these analyses, we have conclude that this second hypothesis is valid. In the confrontation with a priori analysis, a posteriori analysis has allowed us to make an interne validation of our dispositive carried out. Following the conclusive result of this study, we have made some suggestions to the public powers and teachers.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectCompétence oralefr_FR
dc.subjectTeaser vidéofr_FR
dc.subjectVidéo de coursfr_FR
dc.titleNouvelle technologie de l’information et de la communication et développement de la compétence orale en anglais des apprenants de la classe de 3ème .fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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