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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorBios Nelem, Christian-
dc.description.abstractThe Problem in the present study concerns the adaptation of admitted students in secondary school to the learning rhythms. The problem is shown in the behavior of students by the difficulties of socialism, the lack of information about the futures professionals works; the lack of guidance, time management. The study has been carried out in Bilingual high school Charles and Thérèse Mbakop in the Subdivision of Yaoundé I. School adaptation difficulties and the causes of in adaptation to school have been cleared up. Montagner (2009) has established that, adaptation to school process combines many factors which have to do with chronosciences and environmental context. Repeating Frass’s studies, he show’s that, it is very difficult to maintain students’ attention and concentration all day long. He says this because student’s attention and concentration vary according to their age and the type of duty they face. We have chosen qualitative research to understand the problem of our topic of our study is titled practice of guidance and adaptation learning rhythm of youths: case study of students in Bilingual High School Charles and Thérèse Mbakop in the Subdivision of Yaoundé I. We started our research with a sample of 39 students, and we finished with six of them who met the predetermined criteria. We applied the purposive sampling typical technic to obtain this sample. The data collected through interviews, and observation have been analyzed by the thematic content method. The results of this study reveal that early access to secondary school does not negatively influence student’s adaptation to learning rhythms. Using these results, we formulated suggestions to parents, school community and counsellors.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectOrientation conseilfr_FR
dc.subjectGestion de tempsfr_FR
dc.titlePratique de l’orientation conseil et adaptation aux rythmes d’apprentissage des jeunes scolarises : Cas des élèves du collège bilingue Charles et Thérèse Mbakop dans l’arrondissement de Yaoundé I.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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