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dc.contributor.advisorAzab à Boto, Lydie Christiane-
dc.contributor.authorBella, Louis Marie-
dc.description.abstractThe book The State and ethnic cleavages in Africa by Ebenezer Njoh-Mouelle and Thierry Michalon explores how the interplay of republicanism and feudalism in Africa affects citizenship and hinders the establishment of the rule of law. The authors examine how traditional structures, such as chieftaincies, pose a major obstacle to the construction of a modern nation-state in Africa. They shed light influence ethnic cleavages in the institutions and the administrative relationship. Drawing on a comprehensive analysis of political, social, and cultural realities in Africa, the book offers a critical perspective on the implications of these interactions for governance, citizenship, and national identity in Africa. While Michalon advocates for the creation of Africa states based on ethnic federations, Njoh-Mouelle opposes this idea, advocating for the dissolution of feudalistic traditional structures in favor of true republican states. According to Njoh-Mouelle, feudalities hinder citizenship and the rule of law. Thus, adopting Njoh-Mouelle’s perspective, it is essential to question the structures in order establish functional republican states that respect the principles of citizenship and the rule of law.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectRule Lawfr_FR
dc.titleFondement de l’état-nation et rupture du pouvoir traditionnel en Afrique : une analyse de l’état et clivages ethniques en Afrique de Ebenezer Njoh Mouelle et Thierry Michalonfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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