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dc.contributor.advisorMbala Ze, Barnabé-
dc.contributor.authorKuate Tchoffo, Alphonsine Laure-
dc.description.abstractThis work is carried out within the framework of improving the quality of teaching /learning in writing production for middle-two pupils of primary schools with part-time schooling. This choice emanates from the observation made on the drop in the level of writing skills, more and more noticeable nowadays among learners in this school system, yet a new pedagogical approach "APC" is introduced in classrooms in view. to boost the development of skills among these learners. This concern led us to a question: What is the contribution of the teaching of writing production to the development of writing skills in learners in a part-time school system? The answer to this question gave rise to a general hypothesis: the teaching practice of writing production significantly influences the development of writing skills in learners in a part-time school system. From this general hypothesis derive three secondary research hypotheses. To analyze these hypotheses, we carried out exploratory research with a population of 930 learners, a sample of 160 learners and 44 teachers. For the data collection, we have firstly used questionnaires and an analysis grid of student productions as an instrument. Then, we moved on to manual data analysis followed by analysis, presentation of the results in statistical tables to endly finish with the verification of the hypotheses according to the〖khi2 test. Confirmation of our hypotheses made it possible to state that the teaching practice of writing production significantly influences the development of writing skills in learners in a part-time school system. From this conclusion, we have carried out some avenues of research wish could permit us in the futur to continue this work and therefore we proposed a preparation sheet for a writing lesson at level III.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectWriting skillsfr_FR
dc.subjectPart-time school systemfr_FR
dc.subjectTeaching practicefr_FR
dc.titleProduction d’écrits et développement des compétences rédactionnelles dans le régime scolaire à mi-temps : cas des apprenants du cm2 des écoles primaires publiques francophones du bloc scolaire bilingue de biyem-assi cité sicfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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