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dc.contributor.advisorBelinga Bessala, Simon-
dc.contributor.advisorMouchili, Issoufou Njimon Soulé-
dc.contributor.authorBoyomo Ambadiang, Roméo-
dc.description.abstractThe didactic transposition process of philosophical content in the first literary class is essential for the development of learners' skills. For this, continuous training of philosophy teachers is crucial to help them adapt philosophical concepts in an accessible and relevant way for students. Furthermore, the availability of educational resources in philosophy such as adapted textbooks and digital tools is necessary to enrich teaching and facilitate students' understanding. Finally, collaboration between philosophy teachers and students is essential to promote constructive dialogue, encourage critical thinking, and stimulate independent learning. Data collection for our research theme was carried out at the Benigna d'Etoudi Bilingual College. This research establishes the link of dependence between didactic transposition and the development of learners' skills. It starts from a main research question, namely: - What are the indicators of didactic transposition of philosophical content that influence the development of learners' skills? And we formulated the hypothesis that certain indicators of didactic transposition of philosophical content significantly impact the development of skills. To better study the phenomenon, we collected mixed data for this research (quantitative research) using a questionnaire addressed to 49 participants from the Yaoundé I District. As for the qualitative aspect of our research, we opted for interviews with philosophy teachers (03 philosophy teachers). We thus analyzed using the correlation test. According to the data contained in the summary table of the regression model, the value of the multiple correlation (R) is significant. This value is 0.663 and represents the strength of the relationship between the VD "the development of learners' competencies in philosophy" and the VIs of the model, notably teachers who have followed in-service training in philosophy (VI1), the availability of pedagogical resources in philosophy (VI2), and the quality of collaboration between philosophy teachers and students (VI3). With a value of (R=0.663), we can state that the data fit the regression model satisfactorily.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectTransposition didactiquefr_FR
dc.subjectDéveloppement des compétencesfr_FR
dc.titleLa transposition didactique des contenus philosophiques en première littéraire et le développement des compétences des apprenants.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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