Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12414
Titre: Sentiment d’auto-efficacité et développement des compétences en mathématiques chez les élèves du CM2 de l’arrondissement de Yaoundé 6e.
Auteur(s): Fondap Zebaze, Angele
Directeur(s): Nguimfack, Leonard
Mots-clés: Sentiment d’auto-efficacité
Expériences de maitrise
Expériences vicariantes
Persuasion verbale
Date de publication: 24-jui-2021
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: The present study carries on the development of mathematics skills. It was noticed that certain pupils invested truly in the education-learning activities, in other words, show much interest and are engaged in hard work but fail in mathematics fields. While according to the theory of self-efficacy feeling these pupils were supposed to succeed no matter the challenges they face during the learning and no matter the field. This brings up the problem of self-efficacy feeling like determinant variable in the success in mathematics. Our study strives to verify the existence of a link between self-efficacy feeling in mathematics and skill development in this field. Being quantitative, this study has privileged the research by questioning method. The informations have been collected from 226 pupils in class 6 in the Yaoundé 6 arrondissement, selected using the cluster random sampling. Those informations are treated using the correlational analysis(R of Bravais Pearson) and the regression analysis. This analysis have permitted to discover that: More the pupils practice mathematics experiments more they develop thier skills in that field (Rcal=0,692 significant with Tcal(14,34)> Tlu (2,32); R2=0,478); More the pupils practice vicarious experiments in mathematics more they develop their skills in that field (Rcal=0,506 significant with Tcal (8,78)> Tlu (2,32); R2=0,25); More the verbal persuasion of the class 6 pupils in mathematics is high, more they develop their skills in that field (Rcal=0,418 significant with Tcal (6,88)> Tlu (2,32); R2=0,17). However this study shows that the mastery experience constitute the best skill development in mathematics.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 123
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12414
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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