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dc.contributor.advisorAwondo Awondo, Patrick Simon-
dc.contributor.authorDjerabé, Nestor-
dc.description.abstractThe present work has for determining title"of the choice of the school establishment, the case of the pupils of the high school Félix Eboué and the Sacred Coeur of the city of the city of Djamena in Chad". Here is the line with the context where the Chadian education system feels enormous difficulties, the access to an education of quality and the performances of the sector on an international scale is in regression or to the best in stagnation. The efficiency and the quality of the education are in ways of determination, the school infrastructures deteriorate. We set like general objectives to analyse and to understand the factors and incentives that influence the choice of the school establishment of the pupils of high school Félix Eboué and the Sacred Coeur of the city of Djamena in Chad. This fact will lead to the survey in the high school Félix Eboué and in the Sacred Coeur of Djamena by a sample of thirty people, among which we have twenty parents of pupils, five chiefs of establishment and five pupils. This main results reveal on the one hand that the criterias of the school orientation if pupils toward the high school of Felix Eboué and the Sacred Coeur are generally motivated by factors as the religion, the availability of resources economic of the parents and finally the political housemaid education of the establishment. Of this fact following the analysis of the semi-controlled maintenance of them investigated and the existing literature, succeeds to a consensus that the factors that determine the choice of the establishment are the religious, cultural criterias, economic of the parents and the good organization of the school establishment. Otherwise he permits to identify the different problems that mine the school institution and to eradicate to improve the education system of the country of what precedes, some perspectives have been raised in the setting of the ulterior research.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectOrientation scolairefr_FR
dc.subjectPerformance Scolaire et le Lycée.fr_FR
dc.titleDéterminants du choix de l’établissement scolaire : Le cas des élèves du Lycée Félix Eboué et du Sacré-Coeur de la ville de N’djamena au Tchadfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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