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dc.contributor.advisorFonkoua, Pierre-
dc.contributor.authorFioko Manga, Marthe Irène-
dc.description.abstractThis thesis focuses on the professional commitment of the educational community in the process of implementing decentralisation in basic education. On observation, we realised that actors in the field seem inactive in their professional tasks. This can be explained by the delay of the minimum package for certain actors and the insufficiency for other actors, the non- collaboration between the different parties concerned in the achievement of an ideal and precise objective. This is sometimes justified by unrealised projects in terms of teacher recruitment, construction of equipment or buildings. These shortcomings lead the actors to passivity. The actors of the educational community in basic education, far from being perceived as passive recipients of institutional pressures, can collectively analyse the strategies of acquiescence, compromise and avoidance in order to facilitate the process of implementation of decentralisation to basic education as appropriate. Hence the following research question: How does the consideration of strategic responses in the implementation of public policies contribute to the professional commitment of local actors in the process of decentralisation in basic education? To this question, a provisional answer was formulated as follows: "taking into account strategic responses in the implementation of public policies contributes to the professional commitment of the educational community in the context of decentralisation of basic education in Cameroon ". To test our hypotheses, we conducted a field trip to Bafia, capital of the Mbam and Inoubou Division and met three (3) participants including two (2) of the male gender and one of the female gender. Satisfactory we have administered a semi-structured interview guide. The sequenced thematic analysis of the results reflects the fact that the implementation of the process of decentralisation in basic education requires: legitimation in order to allow the commitment with real appropriation of the actors of the educational community shows that our general hypothesis has been successfully tested. It is necessary to insist on the need to consider the co-management and co-regulation of educational policies with the entire educational community for a better implementation of the decentralisation process. This would promote their active engagement in all professional tasks. Such an observation merits further investigation in future research.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectPolitiques publiquesfr_FR
dc.subjectCommunauté éducativefr_FR
dc.subjectPolitiques éducativesfr_FR
dc.subjectGouvernance localefr_FR
dc.subjectEngagement professionnelfr_FR
dc.titleRéponses stratégiques dans la mise en œuvre des politiques publiques de la décentralisation et engagement professionnel de la communauté éducativefr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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