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dc.contributor.advisorNdjebakal Souck, Emmanuel-
dc.contributor.authorMbee, Eugene Lucien-
dc.description.abstractTeachers are always critical of pupils' oral and written ability in French language, whether at primary, secondary or higher education level. French is a teaching language but also a course teached in the French Education system in Cameroon. It is assessed by various mechanisms, including standardised national assessments. The French tests for the First School Living Certificat - FSLC (Certificat d'Études Primaires, in French), which is the first standardised test take by student, and use to be an indicator of learning achievement of student during their transition between the primary and secondary schools. The problem addressed by this study is the low level of French language skills of student, despite the high level of achievement by pupils in the French test during the First School Living Certificate. What are the learning level acquired by primary school last year student, shown by the results of the French test in the FSLC 2022? The aim of this study is to assess the level of learning acquired by primary school last year student presented by the FSLC 2022 French test. To do this, we analysed the FSLC2022 French test and its results, as well as a 2022 MOOC French test. A total of 181 randomly marked papers from pupils in the Mendong sub-centre in the Mfoundi department were analysed. The Ex-post Facto approach was adopted here given the nature of the data to be analysed. The results show that the level of learnings targeted by the programme objectives covered by the test are low, and have basic taxonomy levels. The MOOC tests are not always good tools for assessing the level of pupils in relation to the official exam. The use of Item Response Theory offers greater visibility of the nature of pupils' learnings. At the end of this study, we propose a remedial plan for students entering secondary school.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectEpreuves standardiséesfr_FR
dc.subjectAcquis d’apprentissagefr_FR
dc.subjectThéorie des réponses aux itemsfr_FR
dc.subjectApproche par les objectifsfr_FR
dc.titleLes épreuves de français standardisées à l’examen du CEP 2022 : Une appréciation du niveau des acquis d’apprentissage des élèves.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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