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dc.contributor.advisorMbaha, Joseph Pascal-
dc.contributor.advisorNjengoue Ngamaleu, H. Rodrigue-
dc.contributor.authorDang Olinga, Céline-
dc.description.abstractThe subject that was the object of our research is “particular status of civi servant, organisational justice and profesional identity of primary and secondary teachers in Cameroon”. This profesional identity is function' of the body of handicraft. In fact, it was established with Colquit and Greenberg (2013) that the theory of organisational justice put its concern to perceptions of individuals in relation with treatment received and to relations of consecutive behaviour to these conceptions. So, there are four theorical principes: distributive justice, procedural, interactional, informational .procedures that we find in the particular status are not applied in the human resources of Education as they are in the other particular status, like civil servants of penitential administration, police civil servants, this lays down an issue in management because of the existence of many inegalities or injustices in salary bars, distribution of bonuses, rewards and also administrative sanctions. From that time onwards, we have put forward general hypothesis that follows: The comparispn of particular and special status of public office and organisational justice explains a significant part of a variance of profesional identity of primary and secondary teachers. In Methodology, we have conducted a questionnaire to 400 primary and secondary teachers of Center Region Cameroon. This type of correlational research in the field was extended from february 2020 to March 2020. In spite of the confining, we have obtained these results: RH1: The correlation between special and particular comparison of status of punlic office and profesional identity of primary and secondary teachers in Cameroon is significant. This hypothesis has a coefficient of correlation of the order -0,375, all right a negative and significant correlation: hypothesis confirmed. RH2: The correlation between distributive justice and profesional identity of primary and secondary teachers in Cameroon is significant. This hypothesis has a coefficient of correlation of the order -0,209, all right a negative and significant correlation: hypothesis confirmed. RH 3: The correlation between procedural justice and profesional identity of primary and secondary teachers in Cameroon is significant. This hypothesis has a coefficient of correlation of the order 0,428, all right a significant and positive correlation: hypothesis confirmed. RH4: The correlation between interactional justice and profesional identity of primary and secondary teachers in Cameroon is significant. This hypothesis has a coefficient of correlation of the order 0,647, all right a positive and significant correlation: hypothesis confirmed. In regard of all that precede, it is established that all these hypothesis were confirmed. Therefore, the correlation between the comparison of special and particular status of public office and professional identity of primary and secondary teachers in Cameroon is significantly positive. That is justified by multiples injustices such as: non application of those components of organizational justice in the lap of education, corruption, embezzlement of public funds.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectStatut particulierfr_FR
dc.subjectIdentité professionnellefr_FR
dc.subjectjustice distributivefr_FR
dc.subjectJustice organisationnellefr_FR
dc.subjectJustice procéduralefr_FR
dc.titleStatuts particuliers des fonctionnaires, justice organisationnelle et identité professionnelle des enseignants du primaire et du secondaire au Camerounfr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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