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dc.contributor.advisorBelinga Bessala, Simon-
dc.contributor.authorNga-Bikoue, Dominique Michèle-
dc.description.abstractCameroon has the ambitious project of attended its emergence in 2035. One of the axes of this vision is the development of human capital. In a context of job insecurity, the fight against unemployment among young graduate whit increasing of diploma is becoming an imperative. A vision orientated towards student entrepreneurship is required it is materialized by the law governing higher education through a provision which gives the national status of student entrepreneur to everyone carrying ideas of project, with the possibility of continuing studies while being an entrepreneur. However, many young students do not take ownership of these decisions in which they show little interest and weak support. Endowed with entrepreneurial potential oriented towards survival entrepreneurship, an opportunistic strategy of the SNEE is to introduce them to sustainable development entrepreneurship, of innovation and creator of national wealth, the main objective being self-employment and the fight against unemployment. Based on these observations the approach we took was to understand why this disinterest and how it manifests itself in concrete actions. The theoretical basis used in this study was inspired on the one hand by the notion of the feeling of personal effectiveness developed by R. Lent (1994) through TSCOP and on the other hand by J. Kearney”s entrepreneurial learning inspired by the behaviourist approaches. A quantitative analysis of the results of our study show that 56 % of the study sample have a low adherence to entrepreneurship initiatives with a proportion of 76% who believe they do not have personal effectiveness in creating and managing business. The verbatim collected from life stories are mixed with a positive experience among students of the speciality CEPE. To improve the representations identified and collected from respondents through a mixed type study, we proposed popularization awareness, raising and communication around the SNEE which is still a new initiative in Cameroun. The prospects opening towards its evaluation in the medium term. Far from proposing miracle solutions to the problem posed by this research, we have made a suggestion focused on the creation of an incubator of projects in FSE.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectReprésentation socialefr_FR
dc.subjectEntrepreneuriat estudiantinfr_FR
dc.subjectStatut national de l’étudiant entrepreneurfr_FR
dc.titleReprésentations sociales et appropriation des initiatives d’entrepreneuriat par les étudiants des universités d’État : Cas de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Éducation de l’Université de Yaoundé I.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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