Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12487
Titre: Fù melù/, « remède du vin de raphia » et thérapie des déficits de la santé sexuelle et reproductive chez les babadjou de ouest-cameroun
Auteur(s): Tchinda Pezasso, Juanita Serena
Directeur(s): Socpa, Antoine
Mots-clés: Remède du vin
Santé sexuelle et reproductive
Représentations socioculturelles
Date de publication: 2024
Editeur: University of Yaounde I
Résumé: This work is titled “/fù melù/, raffia wine medicine and treatment for sexual and reproductive health (SRH) deficiencies among the Babadjou of West Cameroon”. Sexual and reproductive health is a broad field that requires a wide range of treatment to guarantee the total wellbeing of individuals and the society at large. However, for the Babadjou Community, there exist a remedy based on raffia wine that address a large number of sexual and reproductive health problems. The main research question of the study is as follows: what is the place of /fù melù/, “raffia wine medicine” in the treatment of sexual and reproductive health problems within the Babadjou subculture? We put forward the hypothesis that /fù melù/ has an important place in the endogenous devise of treatment for sexual and reproductive health deficiencies. The main objective was to analyse the place /fù melù/ and its role in the therapy of SRH deficiencies among the Babadjou of West Cameroon. To achieve this objective, a literature search was carried out to summarize previous studies, and data was collected using the tools developed for this purpose. To analyse and interpret our data, we drew on ethnomethodology, the theory of social representations and functionalism. The work reveals that haven faced sexual and reproductive health problems, the Babadjou Community has developed knowledge which enabled her to discover the raffia wine medicine. This medicine used for preventive and curative purposes, plays a central role in their daily lives, being seen as a means of guiding, identifying and justifying their behaviour and practices
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 128
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12487
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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