Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12488
Titre: La promotion à double vitesse de l'entrepreneuriat académique à l'université de Yaoundé1: le cas de l'ENSPY et de la FALSH
Auteur(s): Oleme Salla, Stève Ghislain
Directeur(s): Ebanga Tanyi, Maureen
Njengoue Ngamaleu, Henri Rodrigue
Mots-clés: Promotion
Entrepreneuriat académique
Date de publication: mar-2022
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé 1
Résumé: The issue of unemployment is a major concern in Cameroon. The labor market is increasingly inaccessible due to the high demand for jobs and a relatively low supply. The section of the population most exposed to unemployment is that made up of higher education graduates, that is to say 35% of university products (ECAM, 2012). In this context, academic entrepreneurship presents itself as an opportunity for job creation, renewal of industrial fabric and development of innovative activities. Entrepreneurship being a discipline that can be learned (Drucker, 1985), it is up to universities to introduce students to the beginning of this universe. In this research work, the University of Yaoundé1 presents a double-speed promotion o academic entrepreneurship within it, in particular at the National Polytechnic School of Yaoundé (ENSPY) and at the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Human Sciences (FALSH). This study is a comparative analysis of the promotion of entrepreneurial behavior at ENSPY and FALSH of the University of Yaoundé 1. The main research questions as follows: does the promotion of academic entrepreneurship at ENSPY and FALSH of the University of Yaoundé 1 proceed from the same managerial approach within this institution? This longitudinal comparative study took place within the campus of the University of Yaoundé 1 and retained, through the technique of random sampling, 892 respondents: 217 at ENSPY and 675 at FALSH. The data collected by a questionnaire of 77 items were analyzed using statistical tools, in particular t of Student. The results indicate that the promotion of academic entrepreneurship at ENSPY and the FALSH of University of Yaoundé 1does not proceed from the same managerial approach within this institution. These conclusions are in line with those of d’Evou and Tagne (2017)who indicate that, if the dynamics of professionalization have generally improved at the University, it remains however distant from the entrepreneurial phenomenon. On the other hand, this study shows that there are indeed teaching units on entrepreneurship at FALSH. They only intervene from level 4, in the eleven sectors of the sixteen that account this establishment.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 379
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12488
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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