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dc.contributor.advisorNguimfack, Leonard-
dc.contributor.authorNinzeko Nanfa, Lucienne Waldes-
dc.description.abstractThis study is entitled « Self-esteem and assessment cheating behavior among 1st year Master’s students at the Faculty of Education, University of Yaoundé 1 ». It is based on the observation of massive, regular and almost automatic fraud from students during assessments. Of the many causes mentioned, self-esteem is the most suspected and exposed, but also the most controversial. Faced with this embarrassment, we wondered whether there was a link between fraudulent behaviour and self-esteem. As an anticipated answer to this question, we have formulated the general hypothesis that the cheating behaviours exhibited by students during assessments depend on their self-esteem. Our main objective was to examine or assess the link between self-esteem and the cheating behaviours exhibited by students during assessments. Our hypothesis was operationalized into five research hypotheses, all confirmed by chi-square testing of data collected via two questionnaires from a representative sample of 120 students. However, other factors interact during assessments to drive students to cheat, including stress, anxiety and fear.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectFraudulent behaviourfr_FR
dc.subjectFaculty of educationfr_FR
dc.titleEstime de soi et comportements de fraude aux évaluations chez les étudiants de la 1ère année de master de la faculté des sciences de l’éducation de l’université de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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