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dc.contributor.advisorBeni Ella Ella, Samuel-
dc.contributor.authorMotamra, Vanessa-
dc.description.abstractThis research is based on the observation that flooding is on the increase in the 9th arrondissement of N'djamena. Flooding is the leading natural hazard in Chad, in terms of the damage caused to property and people. A number of measures have been taken by the Chadian government, and administrative authorities to combat flooding. However, despite the contingency plan and the efforts made by the public authorities, the flooding persists. This persistence was the research problem of this study, the overall objective of which is to understand the problem of flooding, through its dynamics and adverse effects. This overall objective is based on the following main question : "How can we understand the persistence of flooding in the 9th arrondissement and its impact, despite the defence strategies that have been put in place ? And the main hypothesis is formulated as follows : "Despite the defence strategies put in place by the stakeholders concerned, the persistence of flooding in the 9th arrondissement of N'djamena can be explained by poor governance and a lack of contribution from the population". To verify this main hypothesis in the field, we used three theories. Georges BALANDIER's theory of social dynamics was used to understand the dynamics of persistent flooding in the 9th arrondissement of N'Djamena. Harold GARFINKEL's ethnomethodology helped us to understand the real-life situation of those affected by the floods, many of whom are unable to meet their expenses due to a lack of resources. Finally, the strategic analysis by Michel CROZIER and Erhard FRIEDBERG helped us to appreciate the role, position and interests of international organisations. The empirical-theoretical nature of this research is based on the use of 173 documents, 14 semi-structured interviews and two focus group discussions. Content analysis was used to analyse the data collected. This methodological approach yielded four main results. Firstly, a large number of means of combating flooding were identified in the 9th arrondissement : preventive strategies (lobbying decision-makers,NGOs working with local and communal authorities, direct prevention with local people) and remedial strategies (building dykes and retention basins ; food and material assistance for disaster victims, NGO actions and community monitoring of dykes). Secondly, flooding persists in N'djamena due to endogenous, exogenous and mixed factors. There are five exogenous factors (the lack of gutters, drainage works and water channels in the commune ; the total absence of riverbanks and the commune's geographical position) ; two endogenous factors (the population's lack of civic responsibility and urban disorder) and two mixed factors (natural and human climate change). What's more, the persistence of these floods has : economic (material and financial damage, loss and destruction of homes; loss of funds, herds, fields and sandbags; slowdown in economic activities and lack of resources for rebuilding destroyedhomes); health (development of diarrhoeal diseases; increase in the prevalence of malaria ; spread of water-borne pandemics and post-traumatic stress symptoms); social (loss of human life, forced displacement of disaster victims, drowning, famine, abandonment of children, loss of birth registration records and rape); educational (closure of schools) and security (burglary and fraud).en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectDéveloppement urbainfr_FR
dc.titleDéveloppement urbain et inondations dans le neuvième arrondissement de la ville de N’Djamena : comprendre les déterminants, les stratégies endogènes de lutte et les incidencesfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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