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dc.contributor.advisorAssako Assako, René Joly-
dc.contributor.authorBidzogo, Fidélie Sandrine-
dc.description.abstractFor several years, the Cameroonian education and political authorities, aware that education is the basis of any development project, as strong as it is. As a result, several reforms have been initiated, the most recent being the shift from the goal-based approach to the competency-based approach (PCA). The present research aims to examine the level of implementation of the Competency-Based Approach since its introduction in the lower secondary curricula of secondary schools of general education in the Obala district, six years after its entry into force. It is a question of examining the degree of teachers' adherence; leading actors in any educational reform, to assess the achievements of students and explore the prospects for improving the quality of education and practice of APC in Cameroon. To this end, nine (09) institutions, six public and three (03) private, were targeted; 108 students, 21 teachers. For successful research, we have adopted hypothetico- deductive and systemic approaches; as it affects the entire educational chain. The results obtained show that most of the teachers, whether in rural or urban areas, partially integrate the PCA into their classroom practices. With regard to students, the gains are more evident in urban and per-urban areas than in rural areas. Furthermore, the implementation of the APC in the Obala district is confronted with a number of problems, in particular, the low level of equipment of the reception facilities, the lack of training for teachers, the lack of inadequacy of didactic and pedagogical material and low involvement of parents in accompanying students in their studies. Thus, to better establish the Competence-Based Approach in the Obala Pedagogical Basin, we have suggested the multiplication of teacher retraining seminars and inspections, the limitation of staffing in urban establishments, the acquisition of equipment didactics by learners and institutions. It is also important to draw teachers' attention to cultivating a sense of responsibility and professionalism to perfect their classroom practices.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectSkill-based approachfr_FR
dc.titleImplémentation de l’approche par compétences (APC) en géographie : l’exemple du premier cycle de l’enseignement secondaire général dans l’arrondissement d’Obala.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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