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dc.contributor.advisorWoafo, Paul-
dc.contributor.authorAbobda, Théodore Lejuste-
dc.description.abstractIn this work a preliminary study is performed in order to propose a new approach to tackle the increasing demand of heart transplant by the use of artificial heart. One solution is developed taking as basis a ferromagnetic blade fixed on a spring and subjected to an electromagnet under variable current. Two derivations of the device are done to obtain left ventricular assist device and biventricular assist device, known respectively in the literature as partial artificial heart and total artificial heart since the pumping function is performed mainly by the ventricles. As results, both devices exhibit subharmonic oscillations that can be used to pump blood and present an intrinsic instability; an efficient approach to control the instability is presented. Furthermore, the interest of the device is based on translation movement allowing the pumping function in all directions;blood flow frequency servo-control to adapt pumping function of the left ventricular assist device to body needs; unstationary flow induced by blood flow frequency servo-control and the possibility to obtain heartbeat like pumping function with induced bursting in the pump.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectFerromagnetic massfr_FR
dc.subject; Bursting oscillationsfr_FR
dc.subjectfrequency servo-controlfr_FR
dc.subjectArtificial heartfr_FR
dc.subjectBiventricular assist devicefr_FR
dc.subjectLeft ventricular assist devicefr_FR
dc.titleA model of artificial heart based on ferromagnetic mass actuated by an electromagnet.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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