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dc.contributor.advisorLieugomg, Medard-
dc.contributor.authorGueyong, Annine Mesmyne-
dc.description.abstractThe present work intends to make the natural and cultural assets of the Bangangté subdivision a mean of local development. It originated from the observation made that local tourism merely binds to the cultural dimension despite the presence of a quality natural potential. This policy influences the takings or revenues gotten from touristic activities and the Bangangté subdivision, as well as the other subdivisions of the West Region of Cameroon lies at the bottom of Cameroon’s touristic destinations rankings. The objective of this work is thus to set some recommendations that will help to develop responsible tourism, the only guarantee for development and patrimony preservation. Our methodology comes from the systemic approach and has combined documentary research and field investigations. The data collection instrument used for this purpose has been the interview guide used for resource persons / people who, because of the role they play in the community, intervene somehow in the valorization of these assets. The outcomes of our work show that Bangangté surely has a multitude of natural and cultural heritage. Many actors intervene in its exploitation through varied but sometimes conflicting deeds. Yet the development of tourism and thus its contribution to local development suffers from the very low value attributed to them because of the traditionalist communities and a low collaboration between these different actors. Our study recommends the reinforcement of the State’s presence on the field and the promotion of participative development that as prior to the emergence of responsible tourism.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectHeritage / Patrimonyfr_FR
dc.subjectLocal development,fr_FR
dc.subjectResponsible tourismfr_FR
dc.subjecttouristic productfr_FR
dc.titleValorisation touristique du patrimoine naturel et culturel et développement de l’Arrondissement de Bangangtéfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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