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dc.contributor.advisorTchuikoua, Louis Bernard-
dc.contributor.authorTchissabou Kouoh, Morin-
dc.description.abstractTourism appears more and more of our days as a sector very promising for the future, a sector which has also its word to say in the emergence of Cameroon to the Horizon 2035. This no doubt explains the reason for which it makes more and more the subject of a great deal of attention on the part of certain political decision-makers including the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and recreation which have resolutely committed themselves in the enhancement of the potential tourist natural cultural and national. We have at our level made this modest scientific contribution to these different decision makers in charge of tourism in Cameroon, we focusing on the locality of Bankim, locality at Fort heritage that may constitute the base of the establishment of a genuine tourist activity local. During our investigations in the field, we realized that Bankim abounds a huge heritage including the tourism value is ignored of populations. It is therefore the reason which has pushed us to examine the ways and means that will help transform the said local heritage in real tourist products capable of giving impetus to a thriving tourist industry. The consultation of several writings, the interviews with the resource persons in charge of tourism about their respective roles and the administration of a questionnaire to the population in order to determine and assess its level of Tourism Culture, have enabled us to understand that actually Bankim contains an enormous natural and cultural heritage which for the moment is not yet valued for tourist purposes. The reasons for this tourist shyness that can be sought for institutional levels, natural and socio-cultural. It is therefore urgent that each actor to take its responsibilities in hand so that Bankim would actually become a tourist destination.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.titleValorisation du patrimoine aux fins de développement du tourisme à Bankimfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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