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dc.contributor.advisorNdzie Souga, Clotaire-
dc.contributor.authorAssoumou Alo’o, Yannick-
dc.description.abstractIn the secondary school, every subject has its own of being studied, prescribing and defining the target in study. Therefore taught subjects are classified into groups, depending on the specialisation. With such classification, the observation done is that, all subjects are not taken into consideration alike by learners at school. Some are considered as the main option (specialisation) more important with the highest coefficient, while others are from the second square (complementaries), having a weak coefficient. This phenomenon has an impact on teaching/learning in the secondary where some subjects are more dominant than others, that is the main target of the mobility of this subject, not only optional for the specialisation, but also to understand the Cameroonian educational system in its learning process. Hence, once GCEA/L or BACCALAURÉAT owners arrive at the university, the tendency changes. The attraction is more observed on the specialisation that has been relegated for long in the second plan in the secondary school; the department of geography is an example at the University of Yaoundé1. Despite many criteria of selection for the admission in that department. Understanding the paradox of the choice of the department of geography and the problems at the secondary education has let us to go down field and analyses that projected on the background related to the comprehension of that phenomenon which following the evolution of the Cameroonian system of learning becomes interesting.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.titleLa géographie entre marginalisation dans l’enseignement secondaire et attraction à l’université : cas des établissements scolaires de l’arrondissement de Yaoundé 3 et du département de géographie de la FALSH, UYI.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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