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dc.contributor.advisorTchuikoua, Louis Bernard-
dc.contributor.authorNdagang Ngueuwo, Irène Aimée-
dc.description.abstractFor about six years, the Cameroonian education system in secondary education has implemented a new approach: Skills approach. It aims through the law orientation of education in Cameroon a type of citizen to train for a concrete development of the Cameroonian society. In the research work on the theme "Analysis of the problems linked to the transition from the PPO to the APC in the teaching of geography in secondary school: the case of the Nkolbisson high school and the René Marie Graffin Institute" aims at to show the difficulties of putting in place the skills approach in teaching geography. From this perspective, the scientific analysis was conducted using both primary and secondary data. We have adopted the hypothetico-deductive approach, according to the results, it turns out that the passage from the OPP to the APC is effective in the context of secondary education with a rendering of 89% of the APC application in classrooms. Despite this applicability, several difficulties were noted: Overcrowding, lack of professional skills of teachers, the APC is time consuming; space constrained, parents little or badly informed, financial problems. We have proposed some strategies to strengthen the implementation of the curriculum reform. His strategies are presented on different scales (at the state level, inspectors, and trainers at the teacher training college, teachers, parents and students).fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectCurriculum reformfr_FR
dc.titleAnalyse des problèmes liés au passage de l’APO à l’APC dans l’enseignement de la géographie au secondaire : Cas du Lycée de Nkolbisson et de l’Institut Monseigneur René Marie Graffinfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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