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dc.contributor.advisorNgapgue, Jean Noël-
dc.contributor.authorTsafack Sonkeng, Gaïus-
dc.description.abstractTourism is a full growing economic sector and can contribute to the economic development of countries. This sector is not valued enough in developing countries like Cameroon. That is the reason why we found it very important to undertake an investigation and to evaluate the contributions of touristic sites and edifices to the economic and sociocultural development of the Dschang community in our DIPES II dissertation. To better carry on this study, we focused on field observations, questionnaires, interviews and document (textual) analysis in order to point out the multitude of sites and touristic building of the Dschang community. Found in the Menoua Division, the multiplicity of touristic sites and touristic edifices of Dschang Subdivision is at the origin of the commitment of different actors from various sectors. Efforts did in this domain show that, this sector contributes significantly to the economic and sociocultural development of Dschang through the creation of direct and indirect jobs and a turnover realized by businesspersons in this sector. However, the development of touristic activities of Dschang Subdivision goes across the mastery of difficulties among which, the lack of commitment of the administration, insufficient transport means, the non-maintenance of sites and edifices and the lack of improvement in other domains. In other to boost this sector, it is important to lay emphasis on the development and the maintenance of the different touristic sites of the locality.en_US
dc.format.extent149 Pagesfr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectTouristic sitefr_FR
dc.subjectTouristic edificesfr_FR
dc.subjectEconomic developmentfr_FR
dc.subjectDschang Subdivisionfr_FR
dc.titleSites, édifices touristiques et développement économique, socioculturel de l’arrondissement de Dschangfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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